Friday, November 30, 2007

The silly season


Ok – so we all know about the silly season – but how do we let it happen? For a start it was definitely the wrong time for me to go on diet for a start, but hey, who’s perfect? But apart from going to wall to wall ‘end of year’ parties – not Christmas anymore, that’s politically incorrect (read Primedia aren’t even having a year end party for fear of offending religious minorities) what about the money spent on pressies? Now I’m not talking pressies for family here – just gifts for clients and people who do services for you during the year. The problem here for me is there just doesn’t seem to be anywhere between a classy Carol Boyes gift and Mr Price Home and Clicks! My poor credit card has motion sickness and I’m scared to go online in case when I ‘log on’ to my bank site it starts flashing red at me…

I don’t know if anyone saw this snippet that was taken from the Bus Times Money Club section a few weeks back but I thought someone might like to use it:

“I have received your rather stern letter demanding payment from me for the last month. I would like, however, to inform you that I have many such organisations to whom I owe money and am unable to meet all these payments each month. I therefore place all my creditors’ names in a hat and draw those out for whom I can pay that month. I wish to advise you that, due to the rather rude tone of your letter, you will now not be included in the next three draws.”

For more on Marion go to

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