Thursday, November 29, 2007


OK – so it looks as thought no matter how much we can’t comprehend how anyone can actually want an ‘alleged’ rapist and fraudster as our next President the chances are quite strong that this could happen. So being the eternal optimist I tried to look at the positives here. Firstly what does JZ have going for him? Well, for a start his passport doesn’t have as many exit visas as his current boss. Secondly he values education – after all he would even ‘borrow’ money from a friend to send his 19 children to good schools! He appreciates the finer things in life – and his investment in homes, cars and bodyguards – not to mention Hugo Boss clothes all go towards our GDP!

He also smiles a lot – and is not frightened to get involved in a sing along, especially if the topic is machines guns. He also likes young people – especially entertaining them in his home and will even be willing to tuck them up at night!

So maybe we must suck it up and wait and see how it goes? But then ‘my sources’ assure me he won’t get past the Courtroom and these sources have never been wrong yet…

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