Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Now everyone knows the famous poem about wearing purple when you get older, but what about glitter in the morning I ask? The other day I met an interesting lady at the hairdresser and whilst we were both getting rid of tell tale grey hairs – her going jet black and me my usual browny, reddy look, we chatted amiably about: my forthcoming trip to Cape Town and her grown up grandchildren. “Grown up grandchildren?” I enquired - thinking I hadn’t heard right, after all she looked about 50. Turns out she has a son of 43 who was born when she was a mere 20 year old, which even with my journalist’s maths meant that she was 63. Now this is where the story becomes interesting – she took off her black plastic hairdresser’s gown and revealed a silver beaded vest to go with her dangly silver earrings and silver sandals! And we’re not talking delicate tiny beads here – but massive circles of plastic silver! Quite a few heads turned in the direction of her dazzling display – some disapproving at such a show of glitz at 10 am on a Thursday morning – Ok, I’ll admit it, I was initially one of them. But then I thought about it and came up with the assertion that she had guts and the style to carry it off – and maybe that was the secret to looking 13 years younger than you were!

I mean who was it anyway that decreed it fashion suicide to wear glitter in the mornings? Why should we only sparkle at night? Then this morning it all came together for me. I was buying fish at Dunkeld West Shopping Centre when I walked past a shop called Prazzelle which stocks dazzle clothes – in fact there’s so much sparkle in this shop that you could probably light up a small country with its contents.

But the question is – did I rush in and buy beaded jeans and a top? Well no, not yet – but I’m working on it…

For more on Marion go to

1 comment:

ingrid rubin said...

I suppose it depends on what you want to achieve and glitter will certainly make you stand out!