Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Being blessed to be a mother to one of each sex has been an interesting journey. From the minute they're born you notice the difference - not just the obvious biological one! Little boys reach out to toy cars and go brum, brum before they can even say mama and little girls will pick up a doll and hug it to their chests lovingly, while muttering unintelligble things in its ear. Then as they grow up the differences grow - little boys don't mind being dirty, in fact the dirtier the better, whereas little girls like to be clean and care about what you dress them in. I thought this would change as my son got older but taking, my now 20 year old son shopping, I realise nothing's changed. We wonder through Edgars and I say "Isn't there anything you need". Giving a cursory glance around he answers "No, not really." This is repeated in about three different shops - we were in fact looking for flip flops which is his general shoewear all year around, along with his tatty shorts. What struck me as so different is if I'd had my 18 year old daughter with me and taken her through the same shops my credit card would have been seriously damaged. He did give in to some new underwear, which was odd as I'd bought him some quite recently. "Where was it," I enquired? Not in some girl's res room as I was wondering, but "with all the lost socks - wherever they go". Girls would never lose their underwear - at least not in this way...

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