Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cape Town's short power crisis


I’m currently at my Cape Town flat and this morning had what us Jo’burgers are getting used – a power outage. But this was different to Jo’burg ‘cos it went off at 8am and came back on at 10am. And we did what most normal Capetonians would do in such a situation. Find a cafĂ© that has gas to have a long breakfast and wait ‘til the lights come on before going back to work.

Now when you think about it this is ironic ‘cos everyone knows that Capetonians don’t work as hard as we do in the city of gold – so how come they have shorter power cuts? Is it to do with the proximity of the sea and much loved mountains? Or is it just that most of our politicians are down here? And that brings me to a pressing question – do they have blackouts in parliament? Noone’s asked that – or perhaps they have and it went in a David Bullard column for this week’s Sunday Times. Anyway the power’s back on, the sun is shining and with a two hour breakfast behind me I’ve kinda lost the urge to work. That’s what probably happens to our politicians also – again the ocean and mountains could be to blame. After all take them away and what’ve you got – Capetonian drivers!